Gallery > Solo: Wake up! Nothing is Permanent Except Change at the Diana Stelin Gallery

Nothing is permanent except change; only constant in life, the only thing we can be sure will happen. Change brings perspective, clarity, and true unconditional love like the Sun. We live in an ocean of energy in constant motion, and our life, ‘everything’ around us, is temporary. Wake up, embrace, and be a part of the change.

Good vibes as we celebrate ‘Un bel dí vedremo,’ the Reception for Wake Up! Nothing is Permanent Except Change Saturday, February 17, 6-8 pm. Come in your best Madame Butterfly influence that explores themes of ‘all’ love, the heartbreak of nature, love of life’s blaring call, and cultural differences that blend East and West cultures. This love story marks the day Madame Butterfly premiered and is the perfect blend of Eastern and Western cultures of our featured artist.