Gallery > Installations

Massey family, Chicago
Massey family, Chicago

The world perception is all it is. We are both villains and heroes, the antihero. At times, it is influential, real, and a much-needed fantasy. Humans lack perfection, so we feel pain, can relate to emotions, and understand the heroes' and villains' actions. We as humans are both - it is all in the decision we make, whether right, necessary, or it provides a need to feel and accept pain. Basically, to be the villain of one's mind and a hero of one’s heart. My perception and the world's perception bring new color into a faded world lost in the chaos of 2020. In this piece, ‘Just like you and me,’ the villain was the hero, and the hero was the villain.
The original is 60x48 inches, as a print sent to Chicago. Thank you, Massey family.