Gallery > Abstracts: Nature's Lure

We Look at the Same Sun
We Look at the Same Sun
Oil on Canvas
48"h x 48"w

The venerability of We Look at the Same Sun is an expression synonymous with Mother Earth. The Same Sun lends to our departure with the stations of life searching for new noise and passion and empowering and encouraging change. In this conception, the 'Sun' is not a source of material for production but the beginning and end of all life and culture. We Look at the Same Sun only merits this moment all along that grey draped zig-zag shoreline; as artists, we sit or stand in resolute silence. We 'universal communicators' are documenting, creating, and possibly repeating chapters of human history being nowhere and everywhere. The sun's rays are my reality; each stroke is a note taken from my life. These rich colors are a ray of unspoken laughter and a playful hue thrown between the sun and me. With each breath, everything else is merely shadows and scenery. Our sight and minds are drugged, so we let you in the sun. Soft and gentle but deeper and heavier than our daze can handle - so vast, you leave us confident, faithful, and authentic that we are the change to recharge Mother Earth.